Saturday, July 24, 2010

Last Week

The program has officially come to an end! I honestly cannot believe how much more I know about the medical system now than before the program started.

Here are some random assorted pictures from the summer!

Fleet Week in NYC when I moved into my apartment in the beginning of the summer

NewYork Presbyterian-Weill Cornell Medical Center Main Entrance

Olin Hall (Where our lectures were)

Wednesday seminar in North Brooklyn with guest speaker Rob Solano (right)

1 comment:

  1. Roger - Thanks so much for maintaining this blog on the USP. I found it very informative and am glad I had a very small part in making sure that you all made it to NYC this summer. Glad to hear the the Woodhull experience turned out to be so very valuable to you. Best of luck in your future endeavors - whatever they may be.
