Thursday, June 24, 2010

Fourth Week

It's the fourth week and I'm halfway done with the program! As most of you already know, this has been a blistering, hot week in New York. Luckily I have been in the hospital for most of the mornings. My evening runs, however, have not been very fun...

There weren't too many exciting things this past week, but here are the highlights:
Monday- I was working in a Hepatitis Clinic instead of HIV because the entire department went to Washington DC for a conference. It was a lot of the same things I normally see in the HIV Clinic, except the patients also have Hepatitis as well.
Tuesday- During my neurology rotation at NYP, one of the patients had a tumor in the frontal lobe of her brain. The doctor told her she would need to get surgery to have the tumor removed, but her response was strange because she was somewhat happy to get a Mohawk. It made sense afterwards when the doctor reminded me the frontal lobe is responsible for decision-making and she wasn't able to grasp the reality of the situation.
Wednesday- Lecture in the morning by a doctor. Then we went to Brooklyn to make T-shirts that read, "Don't 4Get Haiti" and to tutor kids in biology.
Thursday- Started my rotation at Downtown Hospital in Lower East Side. I came in thinking I would be translating most the time because there is a huge Asian population b/c Chinatown is right next door, but the majority of the patients spoke a dialect I couldn't speak. Although, I was taught "I do not understand" in that language. :)
Friday- Pretty normal Friday, I did get to see some people with Tennis Elbow (syndrome). The weird thing is, most people that get Tennis Elbow have never played tennis...

In terms of surviving in NYC, I finally made a chicken dish successfully last week. Also, I had a New Yorker ask me for directions and I actually knew how to get there!. Does that make me a city-person now? Hmm...probably not, but I got until the end of this summer.

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