Sunday, June 13, 2010

Second Week

So I officially don't have a way of putting in pictures, but I'll make sure to post them all whenever I come home. :)

This week has been my first full week of rotations. Right now, my schedule looks like this:
Monday: Morning-HIV Research (NYP-Weill Cornell), Evening-Pediatric ER (NYP-Cornell)
Tuesday: Morning-Neurology (NYP-Weill Cornell), Late Afternoon-Rehab Medicine (Brooklyn @ Woodhull Hospital)
Wednesday: Classes
Thursday: Morning- Cardiology (Lower East Side-Downtown Hospital), Afternoon-Neurobiology Research (NYP-Cornell)
Friday: Morning-Internal Medicine, Rheumatology and Arthritis (Brooklyn @ Woodhull Hospital)

As you can see, it's a bit intense. Not to worry if you're interested in this program because the requirement is only 1 rotation per day. I overloaded it because I want to get the most out of the experience. I made a lot of additions and I decided to take out a rotation I had with a Psychiatrist. I found out she took in Urban Semester students because she needed help in writing articles for a paper. The worst part was, she wouldn't even let me see the patients because "they pay hundreds of dollars and they don't want to see you in there."

Other than that, my rotations have been super awesome and I cannot believe how much I can learn in one day from shadowing a doctor. I can't really talk about everything that happened in my rotations because there are too many, but I think the toughest I've had is working in the neurology department. There are many medical terms/conditions and drugs that I could not follow. I thought that if I kept hearing it over and over, I would get a clue, but that didn't work too well. I also found out that the chief resident is an Urban Semester Alum, which means this program really helps! On the other hand, my HIV rotation has been the best so far as my supervisor is extremely outgoing and makes all the experiments seem enjoyable.

That's it for now. I need to finish a 10-page paper due tomorrow about medical disparities I've seen this week. Leave comments if you have questions!

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